The Best Reasons to Love Sailing – A Sailors Perspective

Have you considered what it means to time and history when you sail? Has it ever crossed your time that you adding your name to the long list of ancients who have climbed into a boat and rowed their way either to peace or safety or just for the fun of it.

When you go sailing, you’re continuing a tradition and practice that is more than 3,000 years old. Sailing and sailboats are some of the most important inventions in history of humanity. They stand right next to inventions like writing and agriculture. Sailing has been pivotal in migration, trade, warfare, and enjoyment.

Aside becoming a part of humanity’s history, here are some reasons why you should love sailing.


One beautiful reason why you should love sailing is because of the countless places which you can go to and get to discover . There are countless numbers of stunning sailing destinations: the islands and coasts in Scandinavia, or the sunny Mediterranean sea, the Maldives, the Caribbean… The list is endless! You can never run out of places


It is not every time that you find pleasure in noise and company. There are times when you just want to stay alone and spend some time enjoying your own company. Sailing itself can be very calm and it can be seen as a time off. When we are on the water, there is no stress and problems of the world around. you are totally in a paradise and utopia of your own. There is serenity and calm such as you cannot find anywhere else.  These moments of pure solitude is what makes us love sailing.


Being on a sailboat is a different experience entirely. There is nothing like it. it is like racing against the wind. There is no winner or lose, just fun. Once you hear the gurgle of water streaming by, a small boat feels surprisingly fast. And when the wind sets in, feeling the boat heel and gain speed is really showing you how much power can be harnessed.

Using this simple skill, you could not only sail around on a lake or near shore, but venture out into the world and not have to think about money or gas — what a taste of freedom.

Once the initial fascination wears off, you can choose the next challenge and have endless fun: Whether it is going bigger, faster or further, sailing is a sport that offers an unmatched depth of variety, possibilities and technological advances. By the time you finish your adventure, you’d be dying to have another.


Nothing and I repeat, absolutely nothing beats the epic moment of being anchored in shallow blue water in a tropical destination, like the Cayman Islands for example. The bottom line is that beaches, warm water, snorkeling, and tropical drinks go hand-in-hand with sailing and enjoying fabulous times with friends and family. There is no comparison to this. There is nothing you’d rather have.


There are more than a hundred books that give you an idea of what you are going to enjoy if you choose sailing. From Moby-Dick to Master and Commander, sailing has given a lot to the culture of ocean adventures and discovery.

Sail Cayman will always be in awe of those old world sailors who had the courage to round Cape Horn for example. And what about the Pacific peoples who sailed off into the horizons using only the stars as navigation and they had no idea what they would find…or not! Now that’s courage!


Whether you rent a boat somewhere or you buy one for yourself, there are coasts and islands to explore all around the world. There are the common classics like the Caribbean or the Mediterranean. But you can have just as much fun exploring the Baltic Sea.

The best way to get started is to see what is closest to you and read some trip reports or a sailing guide about that area. Imagine waking up in a different place each day, anchor at a nice beach or a beautiful island, catch fish along the way, the opportunities are endless.


Pick your choice: spending your days cruising from one magnificent island to another magnificent island, deep diving into the water and lying down on the deck facing the sun; or hustling through hot public transport , hiring and packing bags every time.

Travelling on your own private boat is a completely relaxing experience. Each day, you wake up and look at the sea all around you and you’ll feel glamorous, comfortable and totally carefree. Plus, you don’t need to pack as much; just a few comfortable dresses and a bikini!

While the landlocked visitors who have made the wrong choice of a hotel gaze out to the sea, they’ll spot your beautiful white yacht sailing smoothly through the water and assume you’re some kind of celebrity. Well, aren’t you?


Before now, sailboat racing has been popular. This is even before the advent of big around-the-world races. The challenge is more of an athletic one on small boats because you will have to put all your bodyweight in.

On Yachts, you still get wet if you push it, and usually have bigger teams working together. From small regatta courses over Atlantic crossings to going around the world, racing sailboats has a place for everyone.

This is the place where you will learn most about how to set your sails optimally, how strategy and tactics work and what makes you fast. And once you know what is happening, races like the Americas Cup, the Volvo Ocean Race or the Vendee Globe become much more interesting to watch.

There are also smaller, just as exciting races out there, like the Mini-Transat: Boats with a length of only 6.50m (less than 22 feet) compete for the fastest time to cross the Atlantic. A minimalist challenge.



Contrary to what most people think, a sailboat does not simply get pushed by the wind. Rather, it generates momentum from two wings, the sails above the water serving as one and the centerboard below the water as the other.

Those almost opposing forces create a little bit of forward momentum. This is enough to make the boat go forward in almost any direction, except straight against the wind. But with a little zigzag, you can get anywhere you want.


No, it isn’t. It is easy to learn. In the simplest case, it means controlling a single line and a rudder — hardly more difficult than driving a car.


Absolutely not. As the mechanics are simple and sailboats have been around for a long time, you can buy an old boat for as little as 500€. You will have the same joy when starting out as if you paid tens of thousands.


There are many adventures that you can have in your lifetime but no matter what it is, it can never be the same as sailing on a cruise boat and enjoying your time.

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