Why Sailing Is the Best Way to Travel – The Best Advice

Though not a common and popular choice, sailing as a means of travel has stood the test of time. From the time of the early men wadding through dangerous waters with poles to the Vikings travelling on wooden boats down to the kind of luxurious cruise ships that we have nowadays, sailing has been a preferred means of travel for those who know what they want in travel. The reasons for this are endless.

Travelling on the Sea

In modern times, sailing is no longer a hobby of salty sailors and the elite. Soon, you’ll be searching far and wide for ideas for your next great holiday getaway and how to get to your preferred destination.

Sailing is an experience like no other. Sailing gives you opportunities to relax, explore, and have an adventure, a bit of nightlife while on your way to wherever you are going.

Reasons Why Sailing is the Best Way to Travel

Freedom to Explore

This is, definitely, one of the best part of sailing around the world. Once you’re in front of the big blue, you get to see things from a totally different perspective. You get to get rid of stress, noise, confusion and surrendering to nature will bring joy to your body and soul in a way you haven’t experienced before.

When you’re sailing, you have a sense of freedom that doesn’t exist on land or in the air, as you can always go on and see what lies on the other side of the unknown horizon, starting to feel a deep and strong connection to nature and the world itself.

When you travel on the sea, you get in touch with your inner child. You begin to explore the world around you. You are not strapped to some seat where the only people you can interact with are flight attendants and fellow travel mates. Sailing is a unique experience. You get to walk around the ship and even have some fun on the deck before you get to your destination.

Sailing gives you and your family a complete experience that can never be achieved on a plane or in a train.

Enjoy the Unique View Each Day

The sea is very beautiful and exploring the coast while sailing will give you the most beautiful view and the most spectacular experience of travel that you can imagine. From your yacht every coast you sail through will take on its most beautiful and most impressive form.

If you have the luxury of time, when sailing along the coast, you can explore both towns and new beaches, bays or coves every day. Imagine the thrill of having a mini tour while on the move. You can spend every afternoon on a new beach and spend every night in a different location.

Private and Comfortable Travelling

Pick between these two: spending your days cruising from island to island, diving into clear sea and sunbathing on the deck, or lugging your bags through hot and sweaty public transport, hiring rental cars and each day having to pack and repack your already bulging suitcase? Already, you know that the first option is the only option. That is sailing. The comfort is inexplicable.

Sailing will also give you and your family the ultimate privacy. You have your time and pace to yourself. You cannot have the ship kind of comfort on the plane or train. It simply does not exist.

The sea isn’t crowded, and when you sail on your own yacht you have the privacy to do anything you want. You can choose to sleep on deck, gazing up at the starry night sky, or head to a secluded cove for a picnic lunch

Get More for Your Money

When you first heard of sailing, perhaps the first thing that crossed your mind was cost. But the truth is far away from that. One of the major reasons why 20 million people booked boats last year is that they are excellent value for money. Sailing has never been more affordable.

The experience you get when you sail to travel is worth the money you are going to spend. Traveling by air or rail is all about getting to your destination without any concern whatsoever for your welfare while you are traveling. The story is different with sailing.

Your accommodation, food, drink, entertainment and shore excursions are mostly all taken care off. And since food and activities tend to be the largest expenses when you’re traveling, sailing offer the most complete experience for families wanting to take holidays together.

Discovering New Places

Your sailing trip experience will mostly depend on where you are sailing to, so you must choose wisely your destination. But the, regardless of where you are, sailing is still the best option for you.

The advantage of choosing to sail as a way to travel is that you can visit multiple destinations in one trip. Islands, maritime cities, bays and harbors are an example of all the places that you can discover while sailing. Sailing around the world is audacious, but undoubtedly a great way to have a full travelling experience.

Becoming Part of a Community

Sailing to wherever it is you are going is an excellent opportunity to meet new extraordinary people who you may never have met in a rush hour flight. Interesting and adventurous personalities conform the sailing community, people with unique tastes like you. You’re bound to meet wonderful sailors no matter where you go.

 Learning new sailing skills and sharing your experiences with other travelers will open your mind. In addition to this, it has been discovered that a sailing trip is one of the best bonding experiences that brings friends and family closer, making it the ultimate way to spend some quality time with your loved-ones on vacations.

Healthier and Happier

One essential and selfless reason why you should sail is because it is healthier, not only for you but also for the planet. In this modern era of more environmental awareness, sailing is one way of showing you are concerned about the environment more than your selfish needs. Every other form of travel is unhealthy for the environment.

Asides from the benefit to the plane, is also good for you. On water you’ll get both mental and physical workout. The feeling of pride and achievement that comes after learning how to sail is unique, as it is knowing that you are the master of your own boat.

You’ll find yourself outdoor, exposed to the sunshine and the sound of waves, in a beautiful environment while breathing healthy air. The sea provides lots of emotional and psychological benefits while the pace of life changes, teaching you to embrace the true beauty of it.


Travel can be hectic and difficult. Your mind is not even on how the journey is going most of the time. Your mind is on your destination, where you are going.

However, you can choose the better way. You can decide to enjoy your journey and have an experience that you will never forget. Join the millions of people doing this by choosing sailing over every other kind of travel.

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